The Institution has Seven Areas countrywide, which have the autonomy to coordinate institutional initiatives. Named below are the designated Areas, whose boundaries are determined by the ZIE Board from time to time: Hwange, Kariba, Manicaland, Mashonaland, Masvingo, Matabeleland and Midlands. The ZIE Areas are run by an independent Area Committee for a 2-year cycle. The Area Committees are coordinated by the Area Representatives who sits on the ZIE Board. In the same vein, the Institution has high concentration of its members in the different countries both regionally and internationally and these have been constituted into ZIE Chapters/Branches.

The active branches are the United Kingdom Branch, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Botswana, Namibia and the USA Branch. The branches follow the governance similar to those of ZIE Areas. Meanwhile, it should be noted that ZIE members also congregate from time to time under Discipline Specific Divisions or Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The recently active Divisions are : Women in Engineering, Geotechnical Division, Large Dams, Building Services, Energy, Agricultural, Chemical, Structural, ZIE ICT (ZICT), Mining and Metaurlargy, and Urban Council Engineers’ Division.

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